
Blog post - 1 January 2014
Dream remains as dream when we stop there 

This video is not produced by us. However, we are sharing it here because we strongly believe in dreams and we value the dreams inside each of us. On top of that, it also serves as a reminder for the Dreamers, like ourselves in Mondarlezo, to act on our dreams.

"Realising our dreams is not the end, but just the beginning." - jaywin chia

This Chinese phrase from an unknown source says it all.

人 因 梦 想 而 伟 大,
因 学 习 而 改 变,
因 行 动 而 成 功。

Translation: "Mankind is great because we have dreams. Due to learning, we improved. And successes are achieved because we took actions."

MondarPhilosophy (No. 5 of 12) : "Keep our dreams alive, for it is the greatest asset we can have."

Hereby, we wish everyone of you a Happy New Year 2014! Cheers!


Announcement - 27 July 2012